Question Tag: Overhead Budget

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a) Cost estimation techniques play an important role in budget preparation.

Explain the statement above. (3 marks)

b) Obsaw Ltd is in the process of preparing budgets for the year 2021. Based on past experience, the following trend equation has been developed in the year 2019 for the estimation of quarterly sales:

S = 21,900 + 900Q
Where, S = quarterly sales in units
Q = time period (Quarter I of year 2019 is time period 1)

The following set of seasonal variation index values has been derived using a multiplicative model, based on year 2019 actual sales:

Quarter of the calendar year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Seasonality -30% -10% +30% +10%

The management expects that the above trend and seasonal effect will continue until year 2023.
The company’s policy is to maintain a finished goods inventory of 20% of the demand for the following month. Monthly sales in each quarter are evenly distributed.

i) Prepare the quarterly sales budget (in units) for the calendar year 2021. (4 marks)
ii) Prepare the quarterly production budget (in units) for the calendar year 2021. (3 marks)

c) Obsaw Ltd recorded the highest and the lowest production overheads (POHs) during the year 2020 as follows:

Production (units) POHs (GH¢ million)
Highest 37,000
Lowest 18,000

POHs are expected to increase by 10% per year and fixed production overheads are absorbed to products based on the budgeted production.

i) Using the high-low method, prepare the quarterly variable production overheads budget for the year 2021. (Use the production budget in b) ii) above.) (3 marks)
ii) Calculate the fixed production overheads absorption rate per unit for the year 2021. (2 marks)

d) Explain how standard costs for material and labour might be compiled. (5 marks)

Cost estimation involving forecasting a future cost relating to a process based on past information, by techniques such as High-Low Method, Least-square method, engineering method, etc. Budgets are prepared by organizations for a future period. Therefore, the costs relating to those future periods will have to be calculated based on a cost estimation technique.
(3 marks)

i) Quarterly Sales Budget (in units) for 2021

2021 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Trend 30,000 30,900 31,800 32,700
Seasonal Index 0.70 0.90 1.30 1.10
Sales (units) 21,000 27,810 41,340 35,970

(4 marks)

ii) Quarterly Production Budget (in units) for 2021

2021 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2022 Q1
Sales 21,000 27,810 41,340 35,970 23,520
– Opening FG (1,400) (1,854) (2,756) (2,398)
+ Closing FG 1,854 2,756 2,398 1,568
Production 21,454 28,712 40,982 35,140

(3 marks)

i) Using High-Low Method for Variable Production Overheads Budget (2021)

Output POHs (GH¢ million)
Highest 37,000
Lowest 18,000
Difference 19,000

Variable overheads per unit:
GH¢200 per unit
Increase of 10% (for 2021):
GH¢220 per unit

2021 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Variable Overhead Budget (GH¢) 4,719,880 6,316,640 9,016,040 7,730,800

(3 marks)

ii) Fixed Production Overheads Absorption Rate per unit for 2021

  • Fixed production overheads = [18,600,000 — (18,000 × 200)] = GH¢15,000,000
  • Increase of 10% for 2021 = GH¢16,500,000
  • Total production for 2021 (Units) = 126,288
  • Fixed POHs absorption rate per unit for 2021 = GH¢130.65
    (2 marks)

To compile standard costs, it is necessary to establish standards i.e., planned amounts for each of the following:


  1. Price: Established with the assistance of the buying department; it is necessary to take account of quantity discounts and price increases.
  2. Quantity: (Including an allowance for wastage) should be available from the production department.
  3. Quality/Type: This is closely linked to quantity and design of the product and may involve a decision by the production department as to which material is most suitable.


  1. Identify the tasks: that are to be carried out on the product.
  2. Skill level: required or grade of worker needed.
  3. Time allowed: It may be necessary to use work study to decide on the production method and the associated standard time.
  4. Rate of pay: This will be dependent on the grade of employee and may be subject to a company-wide or national wage agreement.
    (5 marks)
    (Total: 20 marks)