Question Tag: Non-Residential Premises

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A resident person who makes a payment to another resident person in respect of the rental of residential or non-residential premises is required to withhold tax in accordance with the Income Tax Act, 2015 (Act 896) as amended.

i) State the taxation principle applicable to rental income and the relevant rates. (5 marks)
ii) Given i) above, how will you treat this transaction, where a resident person makes a payment to another resident person conducting a business of sale or renting of residential or non-residential premises?

i) Taxation Principle for Rental Income and Relevant Rates

  • Rental income received by a resident person from another resident person is subject to withholding tax.
  • The applicable withholding tax rate for residential premises is 8%, while for non-residential (commercial) premises, the rate is 15%.
  • This withholding tax on rental income is treated as a final tax for the recipient, meaning no further tax is charged on the rental income received.
    (5 marks)

ii) Treatment of the Transaction for a Business of Sale or Renting of Premises

  • When a resident person conducts a business involving the sale or renting of residential or non-residential premises, the payment is treated as a supply of services rather than an investment return.
  • In this case, the withholding tax rate is 7.5% on the payment made to the business, and this withholding tax is not final.
  • The withheld tax serves as an advance tax, and the recipient (the business) will still be required to account for corporate tax based on their total income.