Question Tag: Mining Support Services

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Manla Ltd, since its incorporation, has been providing Mining Support Services (MSS) in line with its mandate, and the following is relevant to its operations for the 2017 year of assessment:

Details GH¢
Chargeable income 240,000,000
Loss from investment deducted in arriving at the chargeable income 700,000
Dividend (gross) received from A Ltd (a mining company) where Manla Ltd has 26% voting power 20,000
Provision for bad debts written off 400,000
Tax loss from 2014 deducted 20,000
Net dividend received from a US-based company after 5% withholding tax 9,500
Items worth GH¢ 60,000 granted to a powerful shareholder were adjusted in arriving at chargeable income 60,000

(Note: Manla Ltd has a basis period from January to December.)

i) Compute the taxes payable by Manla Ltd. (6 marks)
ii) Comment on the treatment of the investment loss of GH¢700,000. (2 marks)

ii) Treatment of Investment Loss (GH¢ 700,000):

  • The investment loss of GH¢ 700,000 should not have been deducted when determining the business’s chargeable income. According to Section 17 of the Income Tax Act, losses from investments are not deductible from business income but may be carried forward to offset future investment gains. The loss should be carried forward and deducted from future investment income only.