Question Tag: Macroeconomics

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The global economic challenges have largely been fueled by demand-pull inflation or cost-push inflation. Many governments have initiated measures to mitigate the associated effects.


Outline FIVE (5) effects inflation have on an economy.

Effects of Inflation on an Economy:

  1. Reduction in Consumer Purchasing Power:
    Inflation decreases the purchasing power of consumers as the value of money declines, leading to higher prices for goods and services.
    (1 mark)
  2. Reduction in Investor Confidence:
    High inflation can reduce investor confidence in the economy, leading to lower levels of investment and economic growth.
    (1 mark)
  3. Economic Growth Slows Down:
    Persistent inflation can slow down economic growth as rising costs reduce consumption and investment.
    (1 mark)
  4. Uncertainty in Business and Financial Planning:
    Inflation creates uncertainty for businesses and individuals in planning their finances, as the real value of income and expenses becomes unpredictable.
    (1 mark)
  5. Rise in Unemployment Levels:
    As businesses struggle with rising costs, they may reduce their workforce, leading to higher unemployment levels.
    (1 mark)