Question Tag: Legal Rights

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Yaro Ltd deals in cars. They let out their brand new car to Nakare on a hire purchase agreement. The total purchase price stood at GH¢86,000 payments to be made in two years. The monthly installment agreed on was GH¢3,600. With almost three quarters of the payment made, Nakare for unknown reasons refused to make further installment payments. Nakare refused to communicate to Yaro Ltd.

Officials of Yaro Ltd, including the accountant, while on a normal duty tour, chanced on the car and took possession of it. Nakare admitted to non-fulfillment of regular installment but argued that the company’s action was in error.

Required: i) With almost three quarters of the total purchase price paid, explain the legal nature of the goods. (5 marks)

ii) What are the possible implications of the actions of the officials of Yaro Ltd under the hire-purchase agreement? (5 marks)

i) The goods become protected goods. (1 mark)

Protected goods are goods which have been let under a hire-purchase agreement, one-half of the price or total price of which has been paid, whether in pursuance of a judgment or otherwise, or tendered by or on behalf of the hirer. (2 marks) In relation to which the hirer has not terminated the hire-purchase agreement or in the case of a hire-purchase agreement, the bailment, by virtue of a right vested in the hirer. (2 marks)

ii) The possible implications of the actions of the officials of Yaro Ltd under the hire-purchase agreement:

  • The owner shall not enforce a right to recover possession of protected goods from the hirer otherwise than by an action (court action).
  • Where the owner recovers possession of protected goods in contravention under the Hire-purchase Act, N.R.C.D. 294, the agreement if not previously terminated, is terminated, and
  • The hirer is released from liability under the agreement and is entitled to recover from the owner, in an action for money had and received, the sums of money paid by the hirer and the security given in respect of the agreement.
  • The guarantor is entitled to recover from the owner in action for money had and received, the sum of money paid under the contract of guarantee or under security given in respect of the agreement.
  • However, the Court may on application by the hirer make an order for the return of the goods to the hirer and for the rescheduling of payments due under the agreement.               (5 marks)

Rabina Construction Ltd purchased Tender Document from Adagya District Assembly to tender for contracts advertised by the assembly. However, in the process of preparing to submit the tender, Adagya District Assembly cancelled the procurement process before the deadline for submission of the tender. Rabina Construction, therefore, feels disappointed since it has incurred some cost in trying to respond to the tender and intends to take legal action against the assembly. Rabina Construction is therefore seeking your opinion on whether the assembly has the right to such action.

i) Determine whether Adagya District Assembly has the right to cancel the procurement process when it is still in progress?
(1 mark)

ii) Explain FOUR (4) conditions under which such right could be exercised or otherwise.
(6 marks)

i) Right to Cancel the Procurement Process:
Yes, Adagya District Assembly has the right to cancel the Procurement Proceedings in accordance with Section 12(28 a) of the Public Procurement (Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act 914).
(1 mark)

ii) Conditions for Cancellation of Procurement Proceedings:
A Procurement Entity may, for specific and fully justified reasons, cancel Procurement Proceedings before the expiry of the deadline for the submission of tenders, where:

  1. Imperfection in Tender Documents: The entity discovers an imperfection in the wording of the request for submission of tenders, which could mislead tenderers.
  2. Decision to Execute Work Internally: The procurement entity decides to carry out the work subject of the tender by itself.
  3. Budget Cuts: There is a cut in the budget intended for performing the contract.
  4. No Bid Submission: No bid has been submitted.
  5. Exceptional Circumstances or Force Majeure: Exceptional circumstances or a force majeure render normal performance of the contract impossible.
  6. Change in Economic or Technical Data: The economic or technical data of the project has fundamentally changed.
    (6 marks)