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State the courts in Ghana that have appellate jurisdiction.

(3 marks)

The judiciary under article 126 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana includes the Superior Courts of Judicature which are:

  • The Supreme Court
  • The Court of Appeal
  • The High Court and Regional Tribunals

The following courts in Ghana have appellate jurisdictions:

i) Under article 129 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, the Supreme Court shall be the final court of appeal and shall have such appellate and other jurisdiction as may be conferred on it by the Constitution or by any other law. Appeal under article 131 lies from a judgment of the Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court on conditions.

ii) Article 137 provides that the Court of Appeal has jurisdiction throughout Ghana to hear and determine appeals from a judgment, decree, or order of the High Court and Regional Tribunal and such appellate jurisdiction as may be conferred on it by the Constitution or any other law.

iii) Article 140 (1) confers appellate jurisdiction on the High Court in civil and criminal matters and other jurisdiction as may be conferred on it by the Constitution or any other law.