Question Tag: Joint Products

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Pinto Company Limited processes materials into finished products. After process one, two main products PEF and CEF are turned out. The production processes allow for 10% normal loss at process one and 5% for each product if it is to be processed further. The scrap at process one can be sold for GH¢6.60 per unit. The standard prices of the products are as follows: PEF to be sold at split-off point for GH¢17 per unit but can be sold for GH¢28 per unit after further processing. A unit of CEF can also be sold for GH¢16 at split-off point or GH¢25 after further processing. Further processing costs are: PEF; direct materials GH¢4 per unit and conversion GH¢3.50 per unit. The materials and conversion costs per unit for CEF are GH¢5 and GH¢4 respectively.

In the month of August 2016, 6,000 units were processed through process one at the following costs: direct materials GH¢40,000, conversion GH¢32,000. The output at the end of process one was 3,000 units for PEF and 2,000 units for CEF.


Advise management on which of the products should be processed further and which should be sold at split-off point if volume is used to share common cost. (12 marks)

Accounting for Units Processed:

  • Units started: 6,000
  • Less normal loss (10%): 600
  • Expected units: 5,400


  • PEF: 3,000 units
  • CEF: 2,000 units
  • Abnormal loss: 400 units

Cost per Unit:

Description Material Cost (GH¢) Conversion Cost (GH¢) Total Cost (GH¢)
Total Cost: 40,000 – 3,960 32,000 68,040
Cost per Unit: GH¢12.60

Income Statement at Split-Off Point:

Description PEF (GH¢) CEF (GH¢)
Revenue: 51,000 (3,000 x 17) 32,000 (2,000 x 16)
Cost of Sales: 37,800 (3,000 x 12.6) 25,200 (2,000 x 12.6)
Profit: 13,200 6,800

Income Statement After Further Processing:

Description PEF (GH¢) CEF (GH¢)
Revenue: 79,800 (2,850 x 28) 47,500 (1,900 x 25)
Cost of Sales: 37,800 25,200
Further Processing Cost: 22,500 18,000
Profit: 19,500 4,300

Decision: Process PEF further and sell CEF at the split-off point.

(Total: 12 marks)