Question Tag: IT Equipment

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Explain what is meant by Video Conferencing and state FOUR types of equipment used by participants in the process.

Explanation of Video Conferencing:

Video Conferencing is a technology that enables participants at different locations to communicate in real time using audio, video, and data transmission over the internet or a private network. It allows for face-to-face meetings without the need for physical presence, facilitating effective communication and collaboration.

Types of Equipment Used in Video Conferencing:

  1. Camera:
    • A video camera or webcam is used to capture the video of the participants. It can range from built-in webcams on laptops to high-definition cameras for professional setups.
  2. Microphone:
    • A microphone captures the audio of the participants. It can be built-in, stand-alone, or integrated into a headset to ensure clear voice transmission.
  3. Display Screen:
    • A monitor, laptop screen, or TV is used to display the video feed of other participants. In professional setups, large screens or projectors may be used.
  4. Speakers:
    • Speakers or headsets are used to hear the audio from other participants. They are essential for two-way communication during the video conference.