Question Tag: IT Benefits

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Financial Service Overseas (FSO) is a regulator of all companies providing financial services. It currently uses ‘stand-alone’ or unrelated software applications to manage its business processes. The business processes include procurement, inventory control, accounts, clients, and monitoring. It is now considering whether an enterprise-wide system is a suitable replacement for all the unrelated software applications.


a) Identify FOUR (4) roles the new information system may play in FSO. (4 marks)

b) Explain TWO (2) features of an ‘enterprise-wide’ system. (4 marks)

c) Describe the types of test that should be conducted before the new information system goes ‘live’. (4 marks)

d) Describe THREE (3) benefits an information system built around a database should bring to an organization. (8 marks)


a) Roles that the new system may play in the company are:

  • Planning future operations: The system can help in forecasting and planning future business operations based on historical data and trends.
  • Recording transactions: The system will ensure that all financial and operational transactions are accurately recorded in a centralized manner.
  • Performance measurement: It can compare actual results against planned objectives, helping in the evaluation of business performance.
  • Decision support: It provides critical data and insights to senior management to make informed business decisions.

(4 points for 4 marks)

b) Features of enterprise-wide system:

  • Coordination of business functions: Enterprise-wide systems are designed to integrate and coordinate all business functions, resources, and information across the organization.
  • Minimized duplication of information: These systems reduce the risk of duplicating information by using a common database shared across different business areas.

(2 points for 4 marks)

c) Testing should include:

  • User acceptance testing: To ensure that the system meets user requirements and expectations.
  • Volume tests: To verify that the system can handle the expected volume of transactions and data processing.
  • Realistic tests: To simulate real-world scenarios and data to test the system’s functionality.
  • Contrived tests: To assess how the system handles unusual and unexpected events.

(2 points for 4 marks)

d) Benefits of information systems based around a database include:

  • Reduced data duplication/data redundancy: Centralized data management reduces the chances of duplicate or redundant data entries.
  • Provision of tailored reports: The system allows for flexible reporting, such as generating reports on slow-moving products or supplier performance.
  • Ease of access to information for staff: Quick retrieval of information to respond to customer inquiries or internal needs.
  • Enhanced security: Centralized data management improves data security by controlling access and monitoring data usage.
  • Reduced IT maintenance costs: Centralized data maintenance simplifies IT tasks, reducing overall maintenance costs.

(3 points for 8 marks)