Question Tag: Information Systems

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Good decisions do not only emanate from good decision-makers but also from the quality of information used in the decision-making process.

Identify FIVE (5) qualities of good management accounting information. (5 marks)

  • Relevance: Information must fit the purpose for which it was gathered, aiding managers in making appropriate decisions.
  • Completeness: Information should be complete, avoiding sub-optimal decisions by providing all necessary data.
  • Accuracy: The information must be correct, preventing misleading conclusions.
  • Clarity: It should be easy to understand to ensure managers can act on it properly.
  • Timing: Information should be available when needed, allowing managers to make timely decisions.

(5 marks evenly spread)

Financial Service Overseas (FSO) is a regulator of all companies providing financial services. It currently uses ‘stand-alone’ or unrelated software applications to manage its business processes. The business processes include procurement, inventory control, accounts, clients, and monitoring. It is now considering whether an enterprise-wide system is a suitable replacement for all the unrelated software applications.


a) Identify FOUR (4) roles the new information system may play in FSO. (4 marks)

b) Explain TWO (2) features of an ‘enterprise-wide’ system. (4 marks)

c) Describe the types of test that should be conducted before the new information system goes ‘live’. (4 marks)

d) Describe THREE (3) benefits an information system built around a database should bring to an organization. (8 marks)


a) Roles that the new system may play in the company are:

  • Planning future operations: The system can help in forecasting and planning future business operations based on historical data and trends.
  • Recording transactions: The system will ensure that all financial and operational transactions are accurately recorded in a centralized manner.
  • Performance measurement: It can compare actual results against planned objectives, helping in the evaluation of business performance.
  • Decision support: It provides critical data and insights to senior management to make informed business decisions.

(4 points for 4 marks)

b) Features of enterprise-wide system:

  • Coordination of business functions: Enterprise-wide systems are designed to integrate and coordinate all business functions, resources, and information across the organization.
  • Minimized duplication of information: These systems reduce the risk of duplicating information by using a common database shared across different business areas.

(2 points for 4 marks)

c) Testing should include:

  • User acceptance testing: To ensure that the system meets user requirements and expectations.
  • Volume tests: To verify that the system can handle the expected volume of transactions and data processing.
  • Realistic tests: To simulate real-world scenarios and data to test the system’s functionality.
  • Contrived tests: To assess how the system handles unusual and unexpected events.

(2 points for 4 marks)

d) Benefits of information systems based around a database include:

  • Reduced data duplication/data redundancy: Centralized data management reduces the chances of duplicate or redundant data entries.
  • Provision of tailored reports: The system allows for flexible reporting, such as generating reports on slow-moving products or supplier performance.
  • Ease of access to information for staff: Quick retrieval of information to respond to customer inquiries or internal needs.
  • Enhanced security: Centralized data management improves data security by controlling access and monitoring data usage.
  • Reduced IT maintenance costs: Centralized data maintenance simplifies IT tasks, reducing overall maintenance costs.

(3 points for 8 marks)

The management of Marine Trust Company is developing a new information system to facilitate excellent performance and effective customer service.

Required: Explain FIVE (5) measures to ensure the reliability of the new system. (10 marks)

Reliability of Information System

  • Network connections: The management of the company should ensure that there is constant and consistent network connections. This can be done by making sure the connectivity infrastructure in the company is always functional to avoid unnecessary downtimes.
  • Availability of expertise: There is the need to ensure the required personnel with the needed expertise are made available to facilitate efficient and constant operations and also to rectify all faults when they occur.
  • Data security: There is the need to ensure that organisational and customer details stored in the company’s database is protected. This is to prevent the incidence of unauthorised persons hacking into the system to steal or tamper with such details.
  • Back-up: There should be an efficient back-up system for the existing information system. This will ensure that the operational information system will have a support in case there is break down in the transmission of the main system.
  • Regular update and upgrading of software and hardware: The management of the company should ensure that there is constant update and upgrading of the software and hardware for the information system. This is to ensure that customers are provided with efficient services.

a) Akosua Textiles Ltd has grown from a hand weaving “kente” factory to a modern textiles and fabric processing company with shops spreading across the country. The company faces a lot of system challenges, and the Board appointed a systems expert to conduct a review of systems and technology within the company.

The findings of the expert were:

  • The systems are generally weak and the benefits of modern software applications are lacking.
  • The accuracy and completeness of information received by head office from shops need to improve.
  • The existing financial system is struggling to cope with the rapid growth of sales.
  • Common computerized stock records will also be required for proper inventory management and control.
  • Internet possibilities are being missed and there is no virtual network.

Identify FIVE ways in which Information Technology and Information Systems might improve Akosua Textiles Ltd.
(10 marks)

  • Establish a Well-Designed Website: Akosua Textiles could invest in a website to provide information to customers, enhance the brand, offer online booking for optical appointments, and sell own-brand products. The site should include e-commerce and be a key marketing tool integrated with back-office systems.
    (2 marks)
  • Establish a Wide Area Network (WAN): By linking computers at shops together, a WAN would facilitate improved communication and collaboration between shops. It would enable data and information sharing quickly and effectively, providing a platform for organization-wide systems.
    (2 marks)
  • Implement a New Integrated Sales, Stock, and Financial System: A common stock and point-of-sale system, integrated into the proposed new financial system, would save time analyzing and searching for information in shops and enable quicker and more accurate production of financial information.
    (2 marks)
  • Introduce Consistent, Simplified Operational Procedures: The new sales system should include an Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale (EFTPOS) system. This would enable staff to process sales more efficiently, improving customer service and reducing time spent on accounting and administration tasks.
    (2 marks)
  • Implement an Executive Information System (EIS): An EIS would enable senior managers to produce tailored high-level information to support strategic decisions. The software should facilitate the monitoring of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) linked to Critical Success Factors (CSFs).
    (2 marks)

a) Your friend who is the Chief Executive Officer of a food processing company recently discussed with you the need for his organization to adapt to technological changes by investing in Management Information Systems (MIS). His problem, however, is that the benefits that will accrue to the business may not justify the costs involved in such huge investments.

Convince your friend by stating FOUR benefits that will accrue to the company for investing in such a project.
(4 marks)

  • Better Administration and Coordination: MIS will lead to better administration and coordination within the firm.
  • Enhanced Public Image: The implementation of MIS will enhance the public image of the organization.
  • Improved Decision Making: MIS improves decision-making processes by providing timely and accurate information.
  • Closer Relationships Among Employees: The use of MIS can lead to closer relationships among employees by fostering better communication and collaboration.

(4 marks)


There are a large range of information systems available to an organisation, each with different characteristics, reflecting the different roles they perform. Many systems do not fit neatly into a single category.

Required: Describe each of the five systems listed below:

i) Transaction Processing Systems
ii) Management Information Systems
iii) Executive Information Systems
iv) Decision Support Systems
v) Office Automation Systems
(10 marks)

i) Transaction Processing Systems (TPS):
TPS are used for routine tasks where data items or transactions must be processed to continue operations. They support most business functions across various organizations. TPS are sometimes referred to as data processing systems. Examples include sales order systems, payroll systems, and employee benefits systems.

ii) Management Information Systems (MIS):
MIS convert data from mainly internal sources into information, such as summary and exception reports. This information enables managers to make timely and effective decisions for planning, directing, and controlling organizational activities. MIS typically provide regular reports and access to the organization’s performance data.

iii) Executive Information Systems (EIS):
An EIS pools data from internal and external sources, making information available to senior managers in an easy-to-use form. It helps in making strategic, unstructured decisions. EIS typically provide senior managers with easy access to key internal and external information, summarizing and tracking critical strategic information.

iv) Decision Support Systems (DSS):
DSS combine data and analytical models or data analysis tools to support semi-structured and unstructured decision-making. They are intended to provide a wide range of alternative information-gathering and analytical tools, emphasizing flexibility and user-friendliness. DSS enable managers to analyze large volumes of data for decision-making.

v) Office Automation Systems (OAS):
OAS are designed to increase the productivity of data and information workers, supporting activities such as document management, communication, and data management. Examples include word processing software, digital filing systems, email, voicemail, and videoconferencing tools.

c) To be useful, information requires a number of specific qualities. Information systems should therefore aim to produce information that possesses these qualities.

Describe FOUR qualities of a useful information.

(4 marks)

  • Accuracy: Figures in a report should add up, the degree of rounding should be appropriate, there should be no typographical errors, items should be allocated to the correct category, and assumptions should be stated for uncertain information. Information must be reliable.
  • Complete: Information should include everything relevant to the decision being considered. If relevant, comparative information should be included. Information should be consistent, for example, it should be collected on the same basis each time, to allow for meaningful comparison. Excessive information should be avoided.
  • Cost-effective: It should not cost more to obtain the information than the benefit derived from its use. Information collection and analysis should be efficient. Presentation should be clear, such that users do not waste time working out what the information means.
  • Understandable: The needs of the user are paramount. The information must be easy to read and well presented.

Quantum Manufacturing Ltd has invested GH¢1 million in information and communications technology systems to facilitate more effective operations which will result in operational improvements in their activities.


Explain FIVE (5) of such operational improvements.

Operational Improvements from ICT Investment:

  1. Improved Productivity:
    Investment in ICT systems can lead to increased overall organizational productivity by better managing manufacturing and operational activities.
    (2 marks)
  2. Cost Reduction:
    ICT systems can help reduce operational expenses by automating tasks that would otherwise be performed manually, leading to cost savings.
    (2 marks)
  3. Improved Information Management:
    ICT systems enhance the access, processing, storage, and distribution of information, aiding in better decision-making and control within the organization.
    (2 marks)
  4. Enhanced Administrative Efficiency:
    ICT systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), enable the automation of processes across functional areas, improving the overall administrative efficiency of the organization.
    (2 marks)
  5. Improved Change Management:
    With ICT systems, organizations can implement changes more quickly and effectively, as machines are more adaptable to change than human resources, who may resist change to protect personal interests.
    (2 marks)

SoEasy is a medium-sized firm in the detergent manufacturing sector. It started operations in 2008 and its customer base is quite large, comprising both foreign and local firms and individuals.

In July 2012, the management of SoEasy approved the automation of its operations using an off-the-shelf package. Around May 2013, a number of defects and problems were identified with the software. The local agents of the software providers were accordingly invited for a discussion and solution of the defects and problems.

The management of SoEasy directed that to save time, the agents should quickly do the fixes on their own for normal operations to continue.

After the agents reported they had completed their job, operations continued without any tests being performed. Two months later, operations nearly came to a halt because of software issues.

a) Explain how the software should have been acquired and the bugs (software errors) corrected. (10 marks)
b) Advise the management of SoEasy on the way software defects and problems should have been handled in the future. (10 marks)

a) Software Acquisition:

  • SoEasy ought to have ascertained its exact software needs before taking steps to acquire the package.
  • Having identified the package, SoEasy should have carried out a thorough user acceptance test to ensure the software needs were met.
  • SoEasy staff ought to have been sufficiently trained in the use of the software. This training would have been conducted by the agent, a normal component of software acquisition. (5 Marks)

Clearing Software Bugs:

  • An elaborate software maintenance contract should have been entered into between SoEasy and the agents.
  • SoEasy staff should have been fully involved in the software amendment process.
  • Thorough tests (regression tests) should have been carried out by the agents with the participation of user staff to ensure the amendments were properly done and that the resulting programs would work flawlessly. (5 Marks)

b) Future Handling of Software Defects and Problems:

  • Any software maintenance contract in existence should be reviewed to ensure it doesn’t favor only one party.
  • In the future, all software issues should be properly documented and forwarded to the Information Systems (IS) Manager if there is one, or to a manager nominated for the purpose.
  • The documented issues should then be discussed with an IS steering committee.
  • The approved documentation should then be passed on to the Chief Systems Analyst for discussion with his/her team of analysts.
  • Competent programmers and other user staff should then be trained to work on the issues in conjunction with the agents.
  • Regression tests should be carried out on any amended programs to ensure that the amendment exercises have not created new problems.
  • The amended programs should be fully documented, and this documentation should replace any existing ones. (10 Marks)

Total: 20 Marks