Question Tag: Information Systems

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Define the term:

i. “Data Transmission”. (2 Marks)

ii. “Data warehouse”. (2 Marks)

iii. Explain the term “Error Detection” in relation to data transmission and list four error detection algorithms. (6 Marks)

i. Data Transmission:

Data transmission is the process of sending and receiving data or information from one point to another through a communication channel such as a wired or wireless medium.

ii. Data Warehouse:

A data warehouse is a centralized repository for storing large volumes of structured and organized data, typically used for analysis and reporting purposes.

iii. Error Detection:

Error detection refers to the process of identifying errors in data transmission to ensure that the data received is accurate and free from corruption. It is crucial in maintaining data integrity during communication.

Error Detection Algorithms:

    1. Parity Check
    2. Checksum
    3. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
    4. Hamming Code

Define “Operating System” of a computer system.

An Operating System (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs. It acts as an intermediary between users and the computer hardware. Key functions of an OS include managing memory, processes, files, and input/output operations, as well as providing a user interface to interact with the system.

Define the term “Open System.”

An Open System is a system that interacts with its external environment by exchanging information, energy, or material with other systems. It is characterized by its ability to adapt, change, and respond to external influences and is not isolated from the environment. This concept is fundamental in systems theory as it emphasizes the interconnectedness and dependency of systems on their surroundings.



c. Define the following terms in relation to information systems:
i. Quality assurance
ii. Quality control (4 Marks)

i. Quality Assurance: A set of processes that ensure the quality of a product or service during its development. It focuses on preventing defects by improving the development and testing phases, ensuring the system meets specified requirements before it is delivered.

ii. Quality Control: Refers to the activities carried out to ensure that the final product or service meets the established quality standards. It involves inspecting and testing outputs to identify defects or errors and ensure the system performs as expected.

Data transmission phenomenon where data is transferred regularly with clock signal is called
A. Asynchronous data transfer
B. Simplex data transfer
C. Duplex data transfer
D. Synchronous data transfer
E. Regular data transfer

D. Synchronous data transfer

In synchronous data transfer, data is sent at regular intervals that are coordinated by a clock signal, ensuring synchronized communication between sender and receiver.

Processed data or information from a computer system is called
A. Input-output
B. Hardcopy
C. Softcopy
D. Output
E. Input

D. Output

The result of data processing in a computer system is referred to as “output,” which can be in the form of reports, files, or other results.

Real-Time Processing Technique is characterised by
A. High turn-around time
B. Low turn-around time
C. Medium turn-around time
D. Very high turn-around time
E. Very little turn-around time

E. Very little turn-around time

Real-time processing has very little turn-around time, meaning that it processes transactions almost instantly, minimizing any delays.

A transaction processing technique with severe time limitation is called
A. Time Sharing Processing
B. Distributed Processing
C. Real-Time Processing
D. Multi-tasking
E. Multi-processing


C. Real-Time Processing

Real-time processing involves handling data as soon as it is input, often under strict time constraints, such as in transaction systems like ATMs or online booking systems.

Decision Support Systems (DSS) provides non-routine decision-making for
A. Senior Management
B. Middle Management
C. Executive Programmer
D. Desk Officer
E. System Analyst

A. Senior Management

Decision Support Systems (DSS) are typically used by senior management to assist in making strategic, non-routine decisions by providing relevant information and analysis tools.

In system development, RFP stands for which of the following? A. Ready for processing
B. Request for proposal
C. Ready for planning
D. Ready for power
E. Request for performance

Answer: B. Request for proposal

Explanation: RFP (Request for Proposal) is a document used in system development and procurement processes where an organization solicits proposals from potential vendors or service providers to deliver products or services. It provides detailed requirements and criteria, enabling suppliers to submit formal bids.