Question Tag: Inalienable Rights

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List six fundamental human rights that are inalienable under the 1992 Constitution of Ghana.


  • Right to life
  • Right to personal liberty
  • Right to human dignity
  • Equality and freedom from discrimination
  • Privacy and Protection of Property
  • Fair trial
  • Protection from deprivation of property

[Any 6 points at 1 mark each for a total of 6 marks]

Explain the Statement: ‘fundamental human rights are inalienable under the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.’ (5 marks)

The statement, fundamental human rights are inalienable, means that these rights are inherent and cannot be transferred, surrendered, or taken away. These rights are guaranteed to every individual and must be upheld and protected under the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.

[Explanation worth 5 marks]

Briefly explain the statement “fundamental human rights as enshrined in the 1992 Constitution of Ghana are inalienable and inviolable”. (2 marks)

The statement means that fundamental human rights are not transferrable and are not capable of being violated.

(2 marks)