Question Tag: Government Budget

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The government budget is a plan of government revenues and expenditures for a specified period, usually a year. When budgeted expenditures exceed projected tax revenues, the budget is projected to be in deficit. This will lead to deficit financing.

Describe briefly FIVE (5) causes of deficit financing.
(5 marks)

Causes of Deficit Financing:

  • During a Period of Depression: Deficit financing becomes important during major depressions or when traditional monetary policies fail, stimulating economic stability.
  • During Wars: Governments may resort to deficit financing to raise resources for tribal or other conflicts, despite potential inflationary effects.
  • During a Process of Economic Development: In developing countries, deficit financing helps overcome low investment rates to achieve rapid development.
  • Ineffective Financial Management: Poor budgetary projections and management lead to demand for loans, grants, and aid to finance ineffective programs.
  • Weak Expenditure Control and Monitoring: Arrears in annual accounts and unpredictable economic environments often lead to unplanned expenditures, requiring deficit financing.

(5 points @ 1 mark each = 5 marks)