Question Tag: Functional Strategy

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An organization’s strategic decisions are categorized into entity/corporate level strategies and functional level strategies. Indicate how the two differ based on the following:

i) Key activity/function (2 marks)
ii) Risks associated with their decisions (2 marks)
iii) Type of decisions (2 marks)
iv) Duration of their decisions (2 marks)

  • Key activity/function:
    • Corporate/Entity Level: The key function is to formulate decisions.
    • Functional Level: The key function or activity is to implement the decisions formulated at the corporate/entity level.
      (2 marks)
  • Risks associated with their decisions:
    • Corporate/Entity Level: The risks associated with decisions at this level are very high; errors can potentially collapse the entire organization.
    • Functional Level: The risks associated with decisions at this level are relatively low, and their impact is usually limited to the concerned department.
      (2 marks)
  • Type of decisions:
    • Corporate/Entity Level: The nature of decisions at this level affects the entire organization.
    • Functional Level: The decisions at this level typically affect only the specific department.
      (2 marks)
  • Duration of their decisions:
    • Corporate/Entity Level: Decisions at this level are mostly long-term.
    • Functional Level: Decisions at this level are mostly short-term.
      (2 marks)

Grand total: 8 marks