Question Tag: Fiscal Allocation

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The following information was produced by the Ministry of Finance for the 2015 fiscal year:

Revenue Source GH¢ million
Grants 1,130.70
Non-Tax Revenue 4,358.70
Taxes on Income and Property 9,238.30
Taxes on Domestic Goods and Services 7,061.70
International Trade Taxes 4,051.10
Other Taxes 161.40
The 1992 Constitution and the District Assemblies Common Fund Act 455 require Parliament to annually allocate portions of national revenue into the District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) for distribution to local governments.


i) Calculate the statutory total amount to be transferred into DACF required by law and grant policy for the 2015 fiscal year. (4 marks)

ii) Assuming that Parliament approves for an equal distribution of the DACF for 2015 to all local governments, how much would one typical local government in Ghana receive as its share of the DACF for the 2015 fiscal year for development? (2 marks)


i) The total amount required to be transferred into the District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) required by law for the 2015 fiscal year:

Under Article 252 of the 1992 Constitution, the DACF is to be calculated at not less than 5% of total national tax revenue. Currently, it stands at 7.5% of total national tax revenue.

Total National Tax Revenue can be calculated as:

Revenue Source GH¢ million
Taxes on Income and Property 9,238.30
Taxes on Domestic Goods and Services 7,061.70
International Trade Taxes 4,051.10
Other Taxes 161.40

Total National Tax Revenue = GH¢ 20,512.50 million

7.5% × GH¢ 20,512.50 million = GH¢ 1,538.44 million

Total Common Fund for 2015 is GH¢ 1,538.44 million.

ii) Amount of Common Fund Per MMDAs for the 2015 fiscal year:

GH¢ Million 1,538.44 = GH¢ Million 7.1224