Question Tag: Financing decisions

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Rahim Ltd requires a machine for 5 years. There are two alternatives, either to take it on lease or buy basis. The company is reluctant to invest an initial amount for the project and approaches their bankers. The bankers are ready to finance 100% of its initial required amount at a 15% rate of interest for any of the alternatives.

Under lease option, an upfront security deposit of GH¢5,000,000 is payable to the lessor, which is equal to the cost of the machine. Out of which, 40% shall be adjusted equally against annual lease rent. At the end of life of the machine, the expected scrap value will be at book value after providing depreciation at 20% on written down value basis.

Under the buying option, loan repayment is in equal annual installments of the principal amount, which is equal to annual lease rent charges. However, in the case of bank finance for the lease option, repayment of principal amount equal to lease rent is adjusted every year, and the balance at the end of 5th year.

Assume income tax rate is 30%, interest is payable at the end of every year, and discount rate at 15% p.a. The following discounting factors are given:

Year Factor
1 0.8696
2 0.7562
3 0.6576
4 0.5718
5 0.4972

Recommend the most viable option on the basis of net present values.

Total Present Value of Buy Option: 3,864,110

The present value of the lease option (GH¢2,011,440) is lower than the buy option (GH¢2,973,810). Therefore, the lease option is more viable for Rahim Ltd.
(10 marks evenly spread)

K-Force Ltd, a newly established security company, has constituted its first board of directors. The directors are expected, among others, to take financial decisions in the areas of investment, financing, and dividend payment. A consultancy firm has been engaged to run an orientation program for the directors in the coming week.

You work with the consultancy firm that has been engaged to run the orientation program for the new directors. You have been asked by your boss to prepare briefing notes on the specific roles the directors are expected to play in the three fundamental decision areas and the constraints that government policies might impose on them.

Prepare a briefing note on the nature of the three fundamental decision areas. Specifically, the briefing notes should cover the objective of each class of decision; TWO (2) specific decisions the directors are expected to take in each class of financial decisions; and TWO (2) factors in the external environment they should consider when making financial decisions.

Investing decisions
Investing decisions relate to the acquisition and disposition of assets that would generate cash flows for the firm. The objective is to achieve optimal allocation of limited resources to investment opportunities. Directors are expected to make decisions such as:

  • Deciding on growth strategy, whether to employ internal or external growth strategies.
  • Deciding on the proportion of the components of assets needed to achieve the firm’s objectives.

Financing decisions
Financing decisions are related to the mix of the various types of finance the firm should use. The objective is to minimize the risk and cost of finance. Directors are expected to make decisions such as:

  • Deciding on the blend of equity and debt in the financing structure.
  • Deciding on the method of issuing new securities.

Dividend decisions
Dividend decisions are related to the payment of dividends and retention of earnings for reinvestment. The objective is to achieve a balance between meeting shareholders’ expectations of current dividends and reinvesting enough earnings to achieve targeted growth. Directors are expected to make decisions such as:

  • Deciding on whether to recommend payment of dividends or reinvestment of earnings.
  • Deciding on the amount of dividend to recommend.

Relevant factors in the external environment
Directors should consider the following external factors when making financial decisions:

  • Laws and regulations
  • Economic factors