Question Tag: Finance and Accounting

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b) Businesses use Management Information Systems (MIS) in their operations. Illustrate with ONE example each of how businesses use MIS in the following functional areas:
i) Finance and Accounting
ii) Manufacturing and Production
iii) Sales and Marketing
iv) Human Resource Management
(16 marks)

i) Finance and Accounting:
Finance and accounting information systems assist in maintaining records relating to the flow of funds in the firm by producing financial statements. Examples of financial statements include cash flow forecasts and income statements.
(4 marks)

ii) Manufacturing and Production:
Manufacturing and production information systems assist in the collection and supply of data to operate, monitor, and control the production systems, including the purchase of raw and other materials. An example would be material handling, material planning, and inventory control systems.
(4 marks)

iii) Sales and Marketing:
Sales and marketing information systems support the sales and marketing function by enabling the effective and efficient movement of goods and services from producers to end users. An example is sales support systems that keep customer records.
(4 marks)

iv) Human Resource Management:
Human resource information systems assist with recruitment, placement, compensation, and career development of employees within the organization, such as personnel records keeping, applicant tracking, and training updates.
(4 marks)