Question Tag: Engagement Performance

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Your assurance firm is currently auditing the financial statements of one of your major clients for the year 2016. As the engagement partner, you are concerned with the quality of the audit, so you want to comply with ISA 220: Quality control for an audit of financial statements.

Specifically, you want to ensure that the factors involved in engagement performance regarding direction, supervision, and review of the audit are properly considered. This would give you the assurance that the audit complies with professional standards and that any report issued would be appropriate in the circumstances.

i) Discuss the important role direction plays in engagement performance. (5 marks)

ii) Why is it important to supervise staff assigned to audit engagement? (5 marks)

i) Important Role of Direction in Engagement Performance:

  • Objective Setting:
    • Direction allows the engagement partner and audit manager to set clear objectives for the audit, ensuring that all team members understand the goals and what needs to be achieved.
  • Risk Identification:
    • It enables the identification of potential risks and problem areas that the audit team may encounter, providing guidance on how to address these risks.
  • Clarity and Coordination:
    • Direction ensures that each team member understands their specific responsibilities and how their work fits into the overall audit. This promotes coordination and minimizes duplication of efforts.
  • Provision of Resources:
    • Direction involves providing the audit team with the necessary resources, such as planning documents, audit programs, and access to key information, to perform their tasks effectively.
  • Enhanced Efficiency:
    • Clear direction reduces confusion and ambiguity, enabling the audit team to perform their tasks more efficiently and effectively, contributing to a higher quality audit.

(5 marks)

ii) Importance of Supervising Staff Assigned to Audit Engagement:

  • Monitoring Progress:
    • Supervision allows the engagement partner and audit manager to monitor the progress of the audit, ensuring that it is on track and that any issues are identified and addressed promptly.
  • Ensuring Compliance:
    • Through supervision, the engagement partner ensures that audit staff are complying with the audit plan, standards, and procedures, which is crucial for maintaining audit quality.
  • Problem Solving:
    • Supervision provides an opportunity for audit managers to identify and resolve problems that the audit team may encounter, such as difficulties in obtaining evidence or understanding complex issues.
  • Quality Assurance:
    • Regular supervision helps maintain the quality of the audit by ensuring that tasks are performed correctly and that any errors or omissions are corrected before they affect the final audit opinion.
  • Team Development:
    • Supervision also serves as a learning opportunity for less experienced audit staff, helping them develop their skills and understanding of audit processes, which contributes to the overall quality of the audit.

(5 marks)