Question Tag: Employer responsibilities

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The budget for Health and Safety of Be Careful Enterprise presented by the Finance Officer has doubled within two years. The owner of the business is considering cutting the budget for the next year by 50% to make way for an increase in the budget for Sales Promotion. He reasoned that health and safety measures are not critical to the financial fortunes of the business.

a) Outline FOUR (4) reasons why health and safety measures are important. (6 marks)
b) Outline SIX (6) employer responsibilities when it comes to health and safety. (9 marks)
c) Outline FIVE (5) employee responsibilities when it comes to health and safety. (5 marks)

a) Reasons for health and safety measures

  1. Protection of Employees:
    Employees should, as human beings, be protected from needless pain and suffering.
  2. Legal Obligations:
    Employers and employees have legal obligations to take reasonable measures to promote healthy and safe working conditions.
  3. Cost Implications:
    Accidents, illness, and other causes of absence and impaired performance cost the organisation money.
  4. Corporate Image and Reputation:
    A business’ corporate image and reputation as an employer (its employer brand) may suffer if its health and safety record is poor, potentially alienating customers and potential employees.

(4 points @ 1.5 marks each = 6 marks)

b) Employer Responsibilities of Health and Safety

  1. Provide Safe Systems (Work Practices):
    Employers must provide safe systems or work practices.
  2. Safe and Healthy Work Environment:
    Employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthy work environment (e.g., well-lit, warm, ventilated, and hygienic).
  3. Maintenance of Plant and Equipment:
    Employers must maintain all plant and equipment to a necessary standard of safety.
  4. Support Safe Working Practices:
    Employers must support safe working practices with information, instruction, training, and supervision.
  5. Consultation with Safety Representatives:
    Employers should consult with safety representatives appointed by a recognized trade union.
  6. Safety Policy Communication:
    Employers must communicate safety policies and measures to all staff clearly and in writing.
  7. Carry Out Risk Assessments:
    Employers are required to carry out risk assessments to identify potential hazards.
  8. Provide Protective Equipment:
    Employers must provide necessary protective clothing and equipment to employees.
  9. Implement Emergency Procedures:
    Employers should implement and regularly review emergency procedures.
  10. Monitor and Review Safety Practices:
    Employers need to monitor and review safety practices to ensure they remain effective.
  11. Record and Report Incidents:
    Employers must record and report workplace accidents and incidents as required by law.

(11 points @ 0.82 marks each = 9 marks)

c) Employee Responsibilities of Health and Safety

  1. Care for Themselves and Others:
    Employees must take reasonable care of themselves and others affected by their acts or omissions at work.
  2. Cooperation with Employers:
    Employees must cooperate with the employer in carrying out their duties, including enforcing safety rules.
  3. Non-Interference with Safety Measures:
    Employees must not interfere intentionally or recklessly with any machinery or equipment provided in the interests of health and safety.
  4. Informing Employers of Potential Dangers:
    Employees must inform the employer of any situation that may pose a danger to themselves or others.
  5. Compliance with Safety Instructions:
    Employees must comply with safety instructions provided by the employer.

(5 points for 5 marks)

Organisations are investing large sums of money in systems and procedures in their attempt to ensure safe and healthy working environments for their employees. This is because a breach of any legal or other obligation in that regard can lead to severe consequences.

Required: Explain FIVE (5) responsibilities of an employer as far as the health and safety of its employees are concerned. (10 marks)

Duties of Employer in Ensuring Health and Safety of Employees i) Every employee is required by law to ensure that employees work under satisfactory, safe and healthy environment.

ii) Employers are under obligation to provide and maintain at the workplace plants and systems of work that are safe and without risk to the health of employees and clients.

iii) The employer is expected to ensure the safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.

iv) It is the duty of en employer to take steps to prevent contamination of the workplace by, and protect workers from, toxic gases, harmful substances, dust, fumes or materials that can cause risk to the safety and health of employees.

v) The employer must supply and maintain adequate safety appliances, suitable fire- fighting equipment, personal protective equipment and educate employees in the use of appliances and equipment.

vi) It is an obligation of every employer to provide adequate supply of clean drinking water at the workplace.

vii) The employer is required by law to provide separate, sufficient and suitable toilet and washing facilities and adequate facilities for the storage, changing, drying and cleaning from contamination of clothing for male and female workers.