Question Tag: Employee Contributions

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What are the contribution rates and how are they distributed between the Employer and Employee, under the 3-Tier Scheme? (5 marks)


Tier 1 and 2 – Mandatory pension schemes:

  • Worker contributes 5.5% of their basic salary.
  • Employer contributes 13% of the worker’s basic salary.
  • Total contribution: 18.5% of the worker’s basic salary.
  • Out of the 18.5%, 13.5% is remitted by the employer to SSNIT within 14 days after the end of the month, and 2.5% of this amount goes to the NHIA for the worker’s health insurance.
  • The remaining 5% is sent to the mandatory Second-Tier Occupational Scheme, which is privately managed by trustees approved by NPRA.

Tier 3 – Voluntary pension scheme:

  • The amount to be contributed by the employee and/or employer is not fixed.
  • However, the total contributions made by the employee and employer should not exceed 16.5% of the employee’s basic salary for tax relief purposes