Question Tag: Divorce

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On the death or as part of a divorce settlement or bona fide separation agreement, an individual may transfer an asset to a spouse or former spouse.

What are the taxation rules on this arrangement?

  • When an individual transfers an asset to a spouse or former spouse during a divorce settlementseparation agreement, or upon death, the transfer is treated as follows:
    1. No capital gain or loss is realized by the individual making the transfer.
    2. The individual is treated as if they derived an amount equal to the net cost of the asset immediately before the realization.
    3. The spouse or former spouse who receives the asset is treated as having incurred an expenditure equal to the net cost of acquiring the asset.
  • As a result, the transaction does not trigger capital gains tax for the individual making the transfer. The net cost refers to:
    1. For a depreciable asset, the written down value of the pool it belongs to, apportioned according to the asset’s market value.
    2. For other assets, the net cost is the cumulative cost less any cumulative consideration received for the asset.
      (5 marks)