Question Tag: Delivery Timelines

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List FOUR (4) timelines under the Sale of Goods Act, 1962 (Act 137), within which a seller must deliver goods to the buyer. (5 marks)

Section 16 of the Sale of Goods Act, Act 137, provides for the timelines within which the seller must be ready to deliver the goods in exchange for a price:

  • If no time is fixed for the delivery of the goods, they must be delivered at a reasonable time.
  • The parties to a contract of sale may, whether with or without consideration, agree that delivery should be made at a date or time other than that stipulated for in the contract.
  • Where the buyer agrees to accept delivery from the seller at a date later than stipulated in the contract without substituting another date.
  • Where the seller contracts to use his best endeavour to deliver the goods on, or not later than a given date, the seller must deliver the goods within a reasonable time after the date.
    (Four points @ 1.25 marks each = 5 marks)