Question Tag: Defined Benefit

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Explain the following:
i) Defined benefit scheme
ii) Defined contribution scheme
(5 marks)

i) Defined benefit scheme:
Defined benefit scheme refers to a pension scheme where the employee, upon retirement, receives a pension amount based on the length of service and salary, often calculated using the final salary or an average of the last few years’ salaries. The pension amount is predetermined, and the risk is borne by the employer.

ii) Defined contribution scheme:
A defined contribution scheme is a pension plan where the employer commits to making annual contributions, typically a certain percentage of the employee’s salary, into a retirement account. The funds are invested, and upon retirement, the pension amount is derived from the accumulated contributions and the returns on those investments. Unlike the defined benefit scheme, the investment risk is borne by the employee.
(5 marks)

Distinguish between defined benefit schemes and defined contribution schemes.

Defined Benefit Schemes
A defined benefit scheme provides a clear and definite pension benefit upon retirement. The benefits are usually calculated based on the length of service and final salary or an average of the last few years’ salaries. In Ghana, the Basic National Social Security Scheme is a defined benefit scheme, managed by SSNIT, where participation is mandatory for public and private sector workers.

Defined Contribution Schemes
A defined contribution scheme involves contributions made by the employer and/or the employee. The contributions are invested, and the employee receives pension benefits based on the accumulated contributions and returns on the investments. The benefits are not fixed and depend on the performance of the investments. In Ghana, Tier 2 and Tier 3 pension schemes are defined contribution schemes, where contributions are managed by privately licensed providers.

The following information relates to the pension scheme of Patience Pass All Limited for the year ended 30 April 2016:

The pension costs have not been accounted for in the total comprehensive income as the Accountant of the company is not qualified yet and lacks sufficient knowledge on the provisions of IAS 19 Employee Benefits.

Demonstrate how the above transaction would be accounted for under the provisions of IAS 19 Employee Benefits, including relevant extracts to the financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2016.

Under IAS 19 Employee Benefits, the pension costs for a defined benefit plan are recognized in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income. The key components are the service cost, net interest cost, past service cost, and re-measurements.

Pension cost to be recognized in profit or loss:

Financial statement extracts:
Statement of profit or loss                                  GHȻ000
Net service cost recognised in profit or loss   (14,400)
Remeasurements in OCI                                     (4,000)