Question Tag: Criminal Law

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A person’s conduct may be an offence or a civil wrong.
State and explain any THREE main distinctions between an offence and a civil wrong. (6 Marks)

The distinctions between an offence and a civil wrong are:
i. Nature of the Wrong: An offence is a wrong against the State, while a civil wrong is a wrong against an individual or a private entity.

ii. Objective: The objective of a criminal trial is to punish the offender, while in civil cases, the objective is to compensate the injured party.

iii. Burden of Proof: In criminal cases, the burden of proof is “beyond a reasonable doubt,” while in civil cases, it is “on the balance of probabilities.”

Bribery is an offence against the government and the public.

State any FOUR statutes that contain provisions against bribery in Nigeria. (4 Marks)

  • The Criminal Code Act
  • The Penal Code Act
  • The Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Act
  • The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) Act

The basic laws relating to money laundering in Nigeria have the following attributes EXCEPT
A. Codification
B. Certainty of the law
C. Penal provisions for sanctions
D. Enacted by legislation
E. Written in local languages

Answer: E

The correct answer is “E. Written in local languages.” Nigerian money laundering laws are codified, certain, and contain penal provisions, but they are not written in local languages; instead, they are drafted in English, the official language of Nigeria.