Question Tag: Criminal Action

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The parties to a civil action differ from the parties to a criminal action. You are required to state:
i. The parties to a civil action in the High Court. (2 Marks)
ii. The parties to a criminal action in the High Court. (2 Marks)
iii. SIX Superior Courts of Record. (6 Marks)

i. The parties to a civil action in the High Court are the Plaintiff/Claimant and the Defendant. (2 Marks)

ii. The parties to a criminal action in the High Court are the State and the Accused/Defendant. (2 Marks)

iii. SIX Superior Courts of Record are:

  1. Supreme Court
  2. Court of Appeal
  3. Federal High Court
  4. High Court of a State
  5. Sharia Court of Appeal
  6. Customary Court of Appeal