Question Tag: Constitutional Law

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List THREE (3) fundamental human rights that must be protected and enforced as provided for in the 1992 Constitution in the Republic of Ghana.
(3 marks)

Three fundamental human rights provided for in the 1992 Constitution of Ghana include:

  1. Protection of Right to Life (Article 13)
  2. Protection of Personal Liberty (Article 14)
  3. Respect for Human Dignity (Article 15)

(Any 3 points for 3 marks)


In two points each, write short notes on the following: b) Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court (4 marks)


  • The Supreme Court is the final court of appeal and has exclusive original jurisdiction in the interpretation and enforcement of the Constitution.
  • It has supervisory jurisdiction over all courts and adjudicating authorities, and is the only court with the right to hear appeals that may come from the National House of Chiefs.