Question Tag: Cash Forecasting

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KTM Regional Hospital is a public referral hospital under Ghana Health Services established in 1980. The hospital is a sub-vented organization that finances its operations from Internally Generated Revenues (IGR) and government subventions. In order to forecast for the first quarter of 2017, you are provided with the following information on revenues and expenditure projections of the Hospital for the fourth quarter of 2016 and first quarter of 2017.

Month IGR (GH¢ ‘000) Subvention (GH¢ ‘000) Donations (GH¢ ‘000) Non-Established Post (GH¢ ‘000) Goods and Services (GH¢ ‘000) Non-Financial Assets (GH¢ ‘000) Other Expenditure (GH¢ ‘000)
October 2016 2,000 8,000 200 300 700 1,200 120
November 2016 2,400 310 740 240
December 2016 2,500 100 400 900 1,000 125
January 2017 3,000 10,000 500 600 800 130
February 2017 3,200 700 820 1,600 150
March 2017 3,400 900 800 840 290

Additional Information:

  1. The cash and bank balance of the Hospital as at December 2016 was a deficit of GH¢500,000.
  2. Breakdown of IGR:
    • National Health Insurance Customers (60% of IGR) pay two months after service.
    • Corporate Customers (20% of IGR) have one-month credit terms.
    • Cash Customers (20% of IGR) pay immediately.
  3. Government subvention is released in two equal instalments in the second and third month of each quarter.
  4. Donations for March 2017 (GH¢900,000) will be received 40% in cash and 60% in kind.
  5. Non-established post refers to wages and salaries for casual and contract workers, paid in the month incurred.
  6. Goods and services are paid 40% in the month incurred and 60% in arrears.
  7. Non-financial assets are paid for in four equal instalments starting from the month of purchase.
  8. Other expenses are paid as and when incurred.


i) Prepare a cash forecast for the Hospital for the first quarter of 2017, showing the forecast for each month and that of the quarter as a whole. (12 marks)

ii) On the basis of the cash forecast in (i) above, advise management on the financing options available to them for the 2017 fiscal year. (4 marks)


i) Cash Forecast for the First Quarter of 2017

Month Receipts/Inflows (GH¢ ‘000) Payments/Outflows (GH¢ ‘000) Surplus/(Deficit) (GH¢ ‘000) Balance Carried Down (GH¢ ‘000)
January 3,040 2,140 900 (500) + 900 = 400
February 7,740 2,308 5,432 400 + 5,432 = 5,832
March 8,480 2,568 5,912 5,832 + 5,912 = 11,744
Total 19,260 7,016 12,244 11,744


  • Receipts/Inflows:
    • IGR (Cash): Collected immediately (20% of total IGR).
    • IGR (NHIS): Collected two months after service (60% of IGR).
    • IGR (Corporate): Collected one month after service (20% of IGR).
    • Subvention: GH¢5,000,000 in February and GH¢5,000,000 in March.
    • Donations: GH¢500,000 in January; GH¢700,000 in February; GH¢900,000 in March (40% in cash, 60% in kind).
  • Payments/Outflows:
    • Non-Established Post: Paid fully in the month incurred.
    • Goods and Services: 40% paid in the month incurred, 60% in arrears.
    • Non-Financial Assets: Paid in four equal instalments starting from the month of purchase.
    • Other Expenditure: Paid fully in the month incurred.

ii) Advice to Management:

  • January Financing Needs: Seek additional financing in January or revise payment plans to cover the GH¢500,000 deficit.
  • Investment of Surplus: The cash surpluses in February and March should be invested in short-term securities to maximize returns and optimize cash management.