Question Tag: Bills of Exchange

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Bills of Exchange are used in several ways, including for payment of debts and provision of credits.

Explain briefly any TWO types of Bills of Exchange. (5 Marks)


Two types of Bills of Exchange are:
i. Inland Bill: This is a bill either drawn or payable within Nigeria.

ii. Foreign Bill: This is a bill drawn outside Nigeria or outside the Nigerian territory.

A negotiable instrument is a written promise to pay money.

Explain THREE characteristics of a negotiable instrument. (6 Marks)

The three characteristics of a negotiable instrument are:

  1. Transferability by delivery: A negotiable instrument can be transferred by mere delivery if payable to the bearer, or by delivery and endorsement if payable to order.
  2. Title: The transferee of a negotiable instrument can acquire a good title and can sue in their own name.
  3. Presumption of consideration: It is presumed that consideration has been given for the instrument unless proven otherwise.