Undoubtedly, Information Technology (IT) plays an important role in Management Information Systems, but the technology must be employed with care and discretion. In view of this statement, you are required to:

a. Define Information Technology. (2 Marks)
b. State and explain SIX areas where IT can be applied to support Management Information Systems. (12 Marks)
c. List SIX uses of the internet. (6 Marks)

a. Definition of Information Technology
Information Technology (IT) refers to the use of computers, telecommunications, and other devices to store, process, transmit, and retrieve information, enabling organizations to handle data efficiently and effectively in a wide variety of applications.

b. Six Areas Where IT Can Be Applied to Support Management Information Systems

  1. Data Processing: IT enables the rapid processing and storage of large amounts of data, improving the efficiency and accuracy of business operations.
  2. Communication Systems: IT facilitates communication within and between organizations using emails, video conferencing, and messaging systems, ensuring real-time information sharing.
  3. Decision Support Systems (DSS): IT aids in making informed decisions by providing analytical tools, forecasting models, and simulation techniques to evaluate alternatives.
  4. Automation of Reports: IT allows automated generation of reports, such as financial statements and sales analysis, providing management with up-to-date information for decision-making.
  5. Database Management: IT supports the storage and retrieval of data through database management systems, enabling efficient data organization and access for various departments.
  6. Security and Control: IT plays a vital role in securing data through encryption, firewalls, and other controls to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or breaches.

c. Six Uses of the Internet

  1. Communication via email and messaging.
  2. Research and information gathering.
  3. Online banking and financial transactions.
  4. E-commerce and online shopping.
  5. Social networking and collaboration.
  6. Entertainment, including streaming media and gaming.