b) What are the safeguards to be applied by an auditor in relation to the following?
i) Financial interest in the client.
ii) Loans and Guarantees to or from the client.
iii) Business relationship with the client.
iv) Family and personal relationship with the client.
v) Employment with an Assurance Client. (5 marks)

b) Safeguards to be applied by an auditor:
i) Financial interest in the client:

  • Disposing of the financial interest.
  • Reviewing the work of an audit team member by another professional accountant.
  • Removing the individual with the interest from the audit team.

ii) Loans and Guarantees to or from the client:

  • Any loan taken by audit team members from the client must be on normal terms. If not, the individual should be excluded from the audit.
  • If the audit firm has taken a loan from the client, the loan must be immaterial to both the firm and the client. If material, a third-party assurance provider should perform an external review of the audit.

iii) Business relationship with the client:

  • Removing the individual involved from the audit team.
  • Structuring audit team responsibilities so that the individual does not deal with matters within their responsibility.

iv) Family and personal relationship with the client:

  • The individual should be removed from the audit team or assigned to unrelated audit matters.
  • The audit team must ensure the individual’s actions do not impact financial statements directly.

v) Employment with an Assurance Client:

  • Modifying the audit plan.
  • Assigning individuals with sufficient experience to the audit team.
  • Reviewing the work of a former audit team member by another professional accountant.

