ISA 200: Overall Objectives of Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit and ISA 300 – Planning an Audit of Financial Statements requires that auditors should plan in order to conduct the audit in an effective, efficient, and timely manner. The plan should include an overall audit strategy and a detailed audit plan.

i) Distinguish between audit strategy and audit plan. (5 marks)
ii) Identify the contents of audit strategy and audit plan. (10 marks)

i) Distinction between audit strategy and audit plan:

  • Audit strategy sets the overall scope, timing, and direction of an audit and guides the development of the more detailed audit plan.
  • Audit plan is a more detailed process that sets out the work to be done in order to achieve the audit strategy.

(2.5 marks)

While audit strategy entails high-level assessments done by senior audit personnel to determine the overall audit approach and risk nature of the audit, the audit plan consists of a set of instructions to the audit team specifying the audit procedures that should be performed in each area of the audit.

(2.5 marks)

ii) Contents of Audit Strategy:

  • Determines the characteristics of the engagement that define its scope, such as:
    • The reporting standards applying to the audit
    • Industry-specific reporting requirements
    • Reporting objectives of the engagement
    • Reporting deadlines
    • Nature of communications and reports required
    • Factors that will determine the focus of the audit
    • Materiality
    • Risk assessment
    • The audit approach – whether relying on internal control, extent of test, etc.
    • Any recent developments in relation to the entity, the industry, or financial reporting requirements
  • Determining the nature, the extent, and timing of the resources from the results of the above
    • Which staff and how many to use
    • Which areas of the audit to use them
    • How they are to be managed, supervised, and directed

(5 points for 5 marks)

Contents of Audit Plan:

  • Procedures to be used in order to assess the risk of misstatement in the entity’s records and financial statements.
  • Materiality assessment
  • Preliminary analytical procedures
  • Detailed risk assessment
  • Audit procedures in response to assessed risks
  • Audit plan is set in a series of instructions to the audit team to address the concerns of the audit strategy.

(5 points for 5 marks)

(Total: 15 marks)