Your client Abeka Ltd is threatening to remove your firm as auditors as a result of disagreement on account of the use of inappropriate accounting policies.

Describe THREE (3) rights as an auditor in relation to the disagreement and subsequent threat of removal. (3 marks)

The auditor has the following rights in the event of a disagreement and subsequent threat of removal:

Right to Receive Written Resolution: The auditor has the right to receive a copy of any written resolution proposal concerning their removal or any disagreements related to the audit.
Right to Attend and Speak at Meetings: The auditor has the right to attend and be heard at any meetings where a resolution regarding their removal is being discussed.
Right to Make Written Representations: The auditor has the right to make written representations to the company’s shareholders, explaining their position in the event of a proposed removal. These representations must be circulated to shareholders before any resolution for removal is passed.
(3 marks)