Kawukudi Ltd intends to increase its capital requirement. Therefore, it applied to the Registrar General with the following:

Retained Earnings Account (GHȼ)

  • Balance b/fwd: 100,000
  • Transfer from income statement: 1,200,000
  • Transfer to stated capital: (600,000)
  • Balance c/fwd: 700,000

Assess with explanation the tax payable under this circumstance.

The transfer of GH¢600,000 as income from the income surplus account to the stated capital is referred to as ‘deemed dividend’. This implies that a tax at the rate of 8% shall be imposed on the transfer. Thus, 600,000 X 8% = GH¢48,000.
There will also be a stamp duty payment of 0.5%. Thus, 0.5% x 600,000 = GH¢3,000.