c) Your senior brother has stayed in the United Kingdom for more than 20 years and would like to return to Ghana and establish a business. He is confused as to which area to invest to maximise the benefits from tax planning.

He has been told that you are undertaking a course in Taxation and would like to have your explanation and the tax benefits, if any, from investing in the following areas:

i) Farming (2 marks)
ii) Agro-Processing Business (2 marks)

i) Farming

  • The income of farming activity or business conducted wholly in Ghana shall be subject to tax temporary concessions. The following constitutes farming activities:
  • In the case of farming tree crops (i.e., coconut, coffee, oil palm, rubber, and shear nut), income from the business for a period of ten years of assessment commencing from and including the year during which the first harvest of crops occurs.
  • In the case of farming livestock (excluding cattle), fish or cash crops, income from the business for a period of five years of assessment commencing from and including the year during which the business commences.
  • In the case of farming cattle, income from the business for the period of ten years of assessment commencing from and including the year during which the business commences.
  • The above activities are subject to tax at the rate of 1% during the temporary concessions of each of them when they make income.

ii) Agro-Processing Business

  • The income of a person from an agro-processing business conducted wholly in Ghana is subject to tax at the rate of 1% for a period of five years of assessment commencing from and including the year in which commercial production commences.
  • Agro-processing business means the business of processing crops, fish, or livestock produced, caught, or raised in Ghana from their raw state into an edible, canned, or packaged product.