Evaluate the impact of government borrowing (i.e., public debts) on:

  1. production capacity of the government,
  2. consumption,
  3. distribution of wealth
  4. level of income in an economy. (4 marks)
  • Effects on Production: Public debts are raised to finance productive enterprises such as steel works, cement plants, multipurpose projects, ship construction, railway lines, highways, electrical engineering works, and mining operations.
  • Effects on Consumption: Borrowing typically leads to reduced consumption as people subscribing to government loans cut back on spending. However, employment created by the investments raises income and eventually increases consumption.
  • Effects on Distribution of Wealth: Public loans shift money from wealthy individuals to the government. Through public fiscal operations, the government primarily benefits lower-income individuals, either directly via increased employment or indirectly through expanded social services.
  • Effects on Income and Employment: Government borrowing leads to higher employment opportunities in sectors such as agriculture, industry, mining, and infrastructure. This borrowing results in higher income levels and improved living standards.