The details of unit cost of products X, Y, and Z have been provided below:

Product X Y Z
Demand (units) 1,200 2,800 3,000
Direct Material 70 55 40
Direct Labour 65 60 38
Variable Overheads 11 8 7
Fixed Overhead 32 24 20

Additional information:

  • The fixed overheads were absorbed at the rate of GH¢8 per machine hour.
  • The budgeted fixed overheads of GH¢165,600 can be analysed into the following cost pools with their respective percentages for apportionment:
    Cost Pool Percentages (%)
    Batch 20
    Machinery 45
    Customer service 25
    Deliveries 10
  • The following also relates to the activities of the company:
Product X Y Z
Units in a batch 120 140 200
Quantities per delivery 100 280 250
Number of customers 50 180 220

i) Calculate the activity rates per batch, machine hour, customer service, and delivery.
(12 marks)

ii) Calculate the total cost of a unit of product X.
(3 marks)

a) Workings:

Apportionment of Overheads (GH¢165,600):

Cost Pool Percentage (%) Overhead (GH¢)
Batch 20 33,120
Machinery 45 74,520
Customer Service 25 41,400
Deliveries 10 16,560

Machine hours:

  • X = 1,200 units × 4 hours = 4,800
  • Y = 2,800 units × 3 hours = 8,400
  • Z = 3,000 units × 2.5 hours = 7,500
    Total = 20,700

Number of batches:

  • X = 1,200 ÷ 120 = 10
  • Y = 2,800 ÷ 140 = 20
  • Z = 3,000 ÷ 200 = 15
    Total = 45

Number of deliveries:

  • X = 1,200 ÷ 100 = 12
  • Y = 2,800 ÷ 280 = 10
  • Z = 3,000 ÷ 250 = 12
    Total = 34

Number of customers:

  • Total = 450

Statement showing calculation of activity rates:

Activity Base Overhead (GH¢) Number of Activities Rate (GH¢)
Machine related 74,520 20,700 hours 3.6 per hour
Batch related 33,120 45 batches 736 per batch
Delivery related 16,560 34 deliveries 487 per delivery
Customer Service 41,400 450 customers 92 per customer

(12 marks)

ii) Cost per unit of Product X (1,200 units):

Description GH¢
Prime cost GH¢146 × 1,200 175,200
Machine-related (4,800 × 3.6) 17,280
Batch-related (10 × 736) 7,360
Delivery-related (12 × 487) 5,844
Customer service (50 × 92) 4,600
Total 210,284

Cost per unit = 210,284 ÷ 1,200 = GH¢175.24
(3 marks)