The performance bonus of the fragrance divisional manager is linked to Return on Investment (ROI) and Residual Income (RI) and has an impact on the calculation of retirement benefits. The manager is due to retire at the beginning of Year 3.

Explain why the fragrance Divisional Manager will not invest in the option showing the higher NPV and comment on whether it will be acceptable to the Board

The fragrance Divisional Manager is likely to favor Option 2, despite its lower NPV, because it yields a higher ROI and RI during the first two years. Since the manager is due to retire at the beginning of Year 3, their decision will be influenced by short-term personal interests, specifically maximizing their performance bonus and retirement benefits, which are based on ROI and RI in the first two years.

Board Perspective:
From the board’s perspective, the focus is on the long-term financial health and value creation for the company. The board would likely reject Option 2 because it underperforms in the later years and results in lower overall NPV, which does not align with the company’s objective of achieving sustainable returns exceeding 16%. Option 1, with its higher NPV, would be the better long-term choice for the company despite its lower short-term performance.