Abaabase Ltd, a printing company located on the Main Campus of the University for Development Hohoe, employed Kweku Ofori as a new store keeper with HND Purchasing & Supply qualification in January 2017. He started very well but because the controls were deficient, he was able to steal GH¢28,500 worth of paper and cartridge for his private photocopying business which is run on the same University Campus. After an audit exercise, this deal was discovered and the Chief Executive Officer has directed that the company takes both civil and criminal action against Kweku Ofori. Courts impose punishment on convicts according to their respective jurisdictions.

As a Business Law Student, the Chief Executive Officer has asked you to advise him on the appropriate court in which this case can be filed and why? (4 marks)

The court to seek redress on the matter of Abaabase Ltd is the Circuit Court which has a maximum amount within its jurisdiction of GH¢50,000 as compared to the District Court which has GH¢20,000 as its limit.