In THREE (3) ways, distinguish between equity shares and preference shares. (6 marks)

Basis of Difference Equity Shares Preference Shares
Definition Equity shares represent the ownership of a company. Preference shareholders have a preferential right or claim over the company’s profits and assets.
Dividend Pay-out Equity shareholders receive dividends only after the preference shareholders receive their dividends. Preference shareholders have the priority to receive dividends.
Dividend Rate Varies based on the earnings. The rate is fixed.
Bonus Shares Equity shareholders are eligible to receive bonus shares against their existing holdings. Preference shareholders do not receive any bonus shares against their holdings.
Capital Repayment Equity shareholders are paid last. Preference shareholders are paid before the equity shareholders when the company is winding up.
Voting Rights Equity shareholders enjoy voting rights. Preference shareholders do not enjoy voting rights.
Participation in Management Decisions Equity shareholders have voting rights, and as a result, they participate in the management decisions. Preference shareholders do not participate in management operations.
Redemption Equity shares cannot be redeemed. Preference shares can be redeemed.
Convertibility Equity shares cannot be converted. Preference shares can be converted to equity shares.

(3 points @ 2 marks each = 6 marks)