The finance department in your company recently refused to allocate funds to the human resources department to cater for the health and safety needs of employees, arguing that it is a waste of funds.

Suggest FOUR reasons to the finance department why it is necessary to allocate the funds. (12 marks)

  • Legal obligations: The finance department should allocate money for health and safety because the company is legally obligated to cater to the health and safety needs of employees.
  • Reduce labour turnover: Allocating funds for health and safety can prevent employees from leaving the company.
  • Social responsibility: It fulfills the company’s social responsibility towards its employees.
  • Continued production: Ensuring good health among employees is crucial for maintaining productivity; hence, funds should be allocated.
  • Accident prevention: Investing in health and safety can help prevent accidents, protecting employees from hazardous situations.
  • Talent attraction: Prospective employees are more likely to join a company that demonstrates care for its staff, which can be achieved by allocating funds for health and safety.

(Any 4 x 3 marks = 12 marks)