Leadership is undoubtedly an essential complement of position authority. This means that no matter the amount of authority a person wields by reason of the position he holds in an organization, if he does not possess and demonstrate effective leadership qualities, he is bound to fail in the management of subordinates.

i) In reference to the above statement, explain leadership.
(2 marks)

ii) Explain FOUR (4) sources of a leader’s power.
(8 marks)

i) Leadership:
Leadership is the art of influencing a person or group of people to willingly strive to achieve set objectives or goals. It is the ability to guide, direct, and influence the actions or activities of a person or group towards goal attainment in a given situation.
(2 marks)

ii) Sources of a Leader’s Power:

  1. Legitimate Power:
    This power is based on the acceptance by subordinates or followers that the leader has the authority to exercise influence over them due to the position he occupies in the organization.
    (2 marks)
  2. Expert Power:
    Expert power stems from the leader’s perceived expertise and special knowledge in a specific field. Followers trust and rely on the leader’s skills and knowledge.
    (2 marks)
  3. Coercive Power:
    Coercive power is based on fear and the belief that the leader has the capacity to administer punishment or create undesirable outcomes for those who refuse to obey his instructions.
    (2 marks)
  4. Referent Power:
    Referent power is derived from the followers’ identification with the leader. This power is based on the leader’s personal attributes, reputation, or charisma, which inspire loyalty and admiration.
    (2 marks)