To address the protracted gaps and promote robust corporate governance practices in the rural banking sector, the Bank of Ghana issued Corporate Governance Directives for Rural and Community Banks in May 2021.

State EIGHT (8) of the requirements of the corporate governance directives aimed at improving Corporate Governance in the rural banking sector.

Below are selected provisions from the directive:

  • Disclosure of Interest by Directors:
    A person, before assuming office as a Director or Key Management Person of a Rural and Community Bank (RCB), shall declare to the Board of that RCB and the Bank of Ghana the professional interests and any material change in business interest to prevent a conflict of interest with their duties as a Director or Key Management Person.
  • Intervention of the Bank of Ghana in Appointments:
    A proposed Director elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or appointed at a Board Meeting of an RCB shall not take up the office of Director on the Board unless given prior written approval by the Bank of Ghana after determining the fitness and propriety of the proposed Director.
  • Board Charter:
    The Board shall operate under a Board Charter which outlines the appropriate governance practices, including overall Board responsibility, code of ethics for Directors, and the structure and reporting lines of Board Committees.
  • Succession Plan:
    The RCB shall implement a succession plan to ensure an effective and orderly succession of Directors and Key Management Personnel.
  • Separation of Powers:
    There shall be clear lines of accountability at the top hierarchy of an RCB. The positions of the Board Chairperson and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) shall be distinct and separate from each other.
  • Board Qualifications and Composition:
    Directors shall possess, individually and collectively, appropriate experiences, competencies, and personal qualities, including professionalism and integrity. Competencies shall cover areas such as Banking, Audit, Law, Finance, and more.
  • Board Induction:
    An RCB shall establish a formal induction program for newly appointed Directors to enable them to effectively discharge their duties and responsibilities.
  • Tenure of Office of Directors and CEO:
    A Director shall hold office for a term of three (3) years and shall not hold office for more than three (3) terms. The CEO shall hold office for a term of four (4) years and shall not hold office for more than three (3) terms.