Your company’s computer network was recently hacked into by fraudsters, stealing sensitive information. This has affected the credibility of the company. State FIVE measures that can be put in place to prevent a repetition of such an incident in the future.

i) User Authentication: This process ensures and confirms that the person trying to access the system has the right to do so by requesting certain information before the system opens up. It may request a username and a password.

ii) Encryption: With this, any information that is saved or being transmitted is converted from plain code into cipher text or a secret code that can be decrypted using a special code by the recipient of such information.

iii) Restrictions: The company can also restrict physical access to its servers and mainframe computers by some people in order to prevent crimes.

iv) Regular Audits: The company must regularly conduct information systems audits on its database management systems to check whether there is an attempted intrusion.

v) Biometric Systems: The company can also install computer systems that use a person’s traits to detect differences by comparing them to stored data.

vi) Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): This enables the firm’s users of unsecured public networks, such as the internet, to securely and privately exchange data through the use of a private and public cryptographic key pair that is obtained and shared through a trusted partner.

vii) Intrusion Detection System: This software monitors systems and network resources and notifies the company’s network security personnel when it senses a possible intrusion in order to put in preventive measures.