In accordance with Section 4 (2) (d) of the Public Financial Management Act 2016 (Act 921), the Minister of Finance shall manage Government property, Financial assets, Government debts, Government guarantees, and other contingent liabilities specified under Act 921. Paragraph 160 (2) of Public Financial Management Regulations, L.I 2378 of 2019 sets out measures the Finance Minister shall take upon recognizing that Government land or building is illegally occupied by an unauthorized person.


State and explain THREE (3) measures the Finance Minister shall take, upon recognizing that Government land or building of a covered entity is illegally occupied by an unauthorized person. (6 marks)

  • Eject the Person: The Finance Minister can initiate the removal of the unauthorized person from the government property to reclaim it for public use.
  • Request Law Enforcement Intervention: The Minister may request assistance from law enforcement to ensure that the unauthorized person is removed from the land or building.
  • Impose Rent: The Minister may order the unauthorized person to pay the rent they would have been liable for during the period of illegal occupation, effectively retroactively charging for the use of the property.
  • Refer the case to the Attorney-General for advice.