a) The following Trial Balance relates to Bunsu Education College, a public tertiary educational institution in Ghana, as at 31/12/2018.

DR (GH¢’000) CR (GH¢’000)
Fees Income 4,575,622
Establish Post 5,312,430
Allowance 856,670
Consultancy Fees 655,600
Legal Cost 25,059
Consultancy Cost 565,500
Non-Establish Post 1,253,600
Seminars cost 500,000
Sponsorship 8,100 9,066,828
Receivables 468,050
Payables 182,840
20% loan 8,600
Books and Research Allowance 150,765
Plant and Machinery 3,000,000 250,000
Motor Vehicle 2,505,000 352,000
Building 12,300,000 756,000
Software 995,500 150,000
Other Incomes 211,430
Project Work Supervisory Allowance 48,500
Cash and Bank 294,233
Training and Workshop cost 104,000
Bad debt provision (student fees) 4,940
Work In Progress 8,251,735
Other Expenses 71,000
Withholding Tax 90,500
Accumulated Fund 11,205,270
Utilities Bills 560,053
Proceeds from Sale of Admission Forms 9,196,270
Superannuation 278,500
End of Service Benefits 298,040
Stationery Stock 399,165
38,245,900 38,245,900

Additional Information: i) The college has adopted the accrual basis International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) as the basis for the preparation of its financial statements. ii) Stationery stock as at 31/12/2018 was GH¢200,500,000 but had a Net Realisable Value of GH¢155,254,000. iii) Social benefits of GH¢1,720,000 yet to be paid during the year were included in the Work In Progress value. Consultancy cost amounting to GH¢234,500,000 was incurred but not yet paid. iv) Books and Research Allowance was received from Government during the period amounting to GH¢337,530,000 for disbursement to qualified Lecturers and Administrative staff. v) Provision is to be made for interest on loans. vi) 60% of the receivables represent an amount of students’ fees outstanding as at 31/12/2017. Provision for doubtful debt is estimated to be 5% of outstanding school fees. vii) The university uses a straight-line basis of depreciation for Capital Assets. Capital Assets and their useful lives are detailed out below:

Assets Useful Life
Plant and Machinery 8 years
Motor Vehicle 5 years
Building 50 years
Software 7 years

Required: i) Prepare a Statement of Financial Performance for Bunsu Educational College for the year ended 31/12/2018. (8 marks)

ii) Prepare a Statement of Financial Position as at 31/12/2018. (6 marks)

a)                                            BONSU EDUCATION COLLEGE

Statement of Financial Performance for the year ended 31 December 2018

Revenues Notes GH¢’000
GOG grant 1,540,000
Internally Generated Funds 2 14,427,492
Donations 9,066,828
Other incomes 211,430


Expenditure Notes GH¢’000
Compensation for employees 3 8,385,270
Goods and services 4 2,237,444
Social benefit 1,720
Interest 1,720
Consumption of fixed capital 7 1,264,214
Other expenses 6 79,100
Net Operating Result 13,276,282

Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2018

Assets Notes GH¢’000
Non-current Assets
Property, plant and equipment 7 16,028,286
Work in Progress 8,250,015
Total Non-Current Assets 24,278,301

Current Assets

Current Assets Notes GH¢’000
Cash and cash equivalent 294,233
Receivable (468,050 – 9361) 5 458,689
Inventory 155,254
Total current Assets 908,176
Total Assets 25,186,477

Liabilities and Fund

Liabilities and Fund Notes GH¢’000
Payable 8 696,325
20% Loan 8,600
Accumulated fund 9 24,481,552

Notes to the financial statement

  1. Accounting Policy was not required by the question so no need to spend time writing accounting policies.
  2. Internally Generated Fund | GH¢’000
    • Fees income | 4,575,622
    • Consultancy fees | 655,600
    • Admission forms | 9,196,270
                                     | 14,427,492
  3. Employees Compensation | GH¢’000
    • Allowance | 856,670
    • Establish post | 5,312,430
    • Non establish post | 1,253,600
    • Books and Research allowance | 337,530
    • Project work allowance | 48,500
    • Superannuation | 278,500
    • End of service benefits | 298,040
                                     | 8,385,270
  4. Use of Goods and Services | GH¢’000
    • Legal cost | 25,059
    • Consultancy cost | 800,000
    • Seminar cost | 500,000
    • Training and Workshop Cost | 104,000
    • Utilities | 560,053
    • Increase in Provision for doubtful debt (Note 5) | 4,421
    • Opening inventory | 399,165
    • Closing inventory | (155,254)
                                    | 2,237,444
  5. Provision for doubtful debt
    • Fees outstanding for 2018 (0.4 * 468,050) | 187,220
    • Provision for doubtful debt 2018 (@5%) | 9,361
    • Provision for doubtful debt 2017 | 4,940
    • Increase in provision | 4,421
6. Other expenses GH¢’000
Trial balance 71,000
Sponsorship 8,100

7. Non-current Asset Schedule

Plants & Machinery Motor Vehicle Building Software Total
Cost/valuation GH¢’000 GH¢’000 GH¢’000 GH¢’000 GH¢’000
3,000,000 2,505,000 12,300,000 995,500 18,800,500
Less: depreciation
Balance b/d 250,000 352,000 756,000 150,000 1,508,000
Charge for the year 375,000 501,000 246,000 142,214 1,264,214
Total Depreciation 625,000 853,000 1,002,000 292,214 2,772,214
Carrying Amount 2,375,000 1,652,000 11,298,000 703,286 16,028,286
8. Payables GH¢’000
Payables per trial balance 182,840
Consultancy cost 234,500
Book & Research All. (337,530 – 150,765) 186,765
Interest payable (8,600 x 0.2) 1,720
Tax withholding 90,500
NB: Social benefit was not included in the payable since its inclusion in work in progress was deemed to be paid for as no corresponding payable was separately created in the trial for it.
9. Accumulated Fund GH¢’000
Trial balance 11,205,270
Net Operating Result 13,276,282