a) The Ministry of Works and Housing prepares its budget using activity volume as a base for control purposes. The Ministry’s normal level of activity is 70%. However, in 2018, the Ministry had a peculiar challenge to the extent that they operated at a 50% level of activity. Below is the budget for 2018.

Level of activity 60% 70% 80%
Income: GH¢ GH¢ GH¢
IGF 337,500 345,300 353,100
Compensation of Employees 175,200 204,400 233,600
Goods and services 57,000 64,500 72,000
Interest 63,500 73,100 82,700
Assets 31,500 36,700 41,900
Other Expenditure 190,000 190,000 190,000
Surplus/Deficit (179,700) (223,400) (267,100)

Actual Results for 2018:

Description GH¢
IGF 350,920
Compensation of Employees 129,500
Goods and Services 73,400
Interest 92,000
Assets 31,100
Other Expenditure 172,300

i) Prepare a flexible budget for 50% level of activity.
(7 marks)

ii) Prepare a Variance Analysis Statement for the operational year 2018.
(3 marks)

i) Flexible Budget for 50% Level of Activity

Description 50% Level of Activity (GH¢)
IGF (50/70) × 345,300 = 246,643
Compensation of Employees (50/70) × 204,400 = 146,000
Goods and Services (50/70) × 64,500 = 46,071
Interest (50/70) × 73,100 = 52,214
Assets 36,700
Other Expenditure 190,000
Surplus/Deficit (218,342)

ii) Variance Analysis for 2018

Budget Item Flexible Budget (50%) (GH¢) Actual (GH¢) Variance (GH¢)
IGF 246,643 350,920 104,277
Compensation of Employees 146,000 129,500 16,500
Goods and Services 46,071 73,400 (27,329)
Interest 52,214 92,000 (39,786)
Assets 36,700 31,100 5,600
Other Expenditure 190,000 172,300 17,700
Total (218,342) (147,380) 43,962

The variance analysis shows the differences between the flexible budget prepared for a 50% level of activity and the actual results for 2018. The total variance indicates a favorable variance of GH¢43,962.