Your subordinate read an article written by the Minister of Finance titled “Streamlining and improving public cash management.” As a professional student of Public Financial Management, your subordinate has drawn your attention to a certain paragraph of the publication that reads:

“Without cash management it is very difficult for the Controller and Accountant-General or the Minister of Finance to make informed financing or investment decisions. For these reasons, all MDAs and MMDAs are expected to prepare cash-flow forecasts as part of their budgetary control system. All revenue agencies are to prepare revenue projections, just as the Ministry of Finance also prepares a schedule of statutory payments and non-tax revenues.”

Briefly explain to your subordinate FOUR objectives of proper cash management in public financial management.

You agree with me that cash management is a very important aspect of public financial management that ensures the availability of funds to support intended uses while controlling and safeguarding the cash resources of the entity. The objectives of proper cash management in public financial management include:

  • To eliminate idle cash balances: Every Cedi held as cash rather than used to augment revenues or decrease expenditures represents a lost opportunity. Funds that are not needed to cover expected transactions can be used to buy back outstanding debt or can be invested to generate a flow of funds into the Treasury’s account. Minimizing idle cash balances requires accurate information about expected receipts and likely disbursements.
  • To deposit collections timely: Having funds in-hand is better than having accounts receivable. Once funds are due to the Government, they should be converted to cash-in-hand immediately and deposited in the Treasury’s account as soon as possible.
  • To ensure timely disbursements: Some payments must be made on a specified or legal date. For other payments, such as vendor payments, discretion in timing is possible. Timely disbursements can be used to secure discounts and reduce costs.
  • To promote efficient and effective management of cash resources: Cash management seeks to ensure that cash of government is used wisely to achieve the intended purposes while demonstrating accountability.
  • To enhance financing decisions: Effective cash management will help forecast cash deficiencies and crises, enabling proactive steps to be taken to address potential problems ahead of time.