The Gomoa Chemical Limited has a capital budget for 2018 of GH¢1,000,000. The following capital investment proposals are submitted to the capital budget committee:

1 1.2 200,000
2 1.18 200,000
3 1.17 100,000
4 1.10 300,000
5 1.15 200,000
6 1.13 200,000
7 1.19 400,000
8 1.21 100,000
9 1.22 100,000
10 1.16 100,000

The company’s cost of capital is 5%. Projects 2 and 8 are mutually exclusive: Projects 1 and 5 are mutually dependent.

As the chairman of the budget committee, which projects should the committee choose? (15 marks)

To determine which projects should be selected, the following analysis can be performed:

Identify Mutually Exclusive Projects:

  • Projects 2 and 8 are mutually exclusive. We should select the one with the higher profitability index (PI).
  • Project 8 has a PI of 1.21, while Project 2 has a PI of 1.18. Therefore, Project 8 should be selected.

Identify Mutually Dependent Projects:

  • Projects 1 and 5 are mutually dependent, meaning both must be selected together or rejected together. The combined profitability index for these projects should be calculated:
  • Combined Outlay = 200,000 + 200,000 = 400,000
  • Combined Profitability Index = (1.2 × 200,000 + 1.15 × 200,000) / 400,000 = (240,000 + 230,000) / 400,000 = 470,000 / 400,000 = 1.175
