Universal Plastics Ghana Ltd imported raw materials from U.S.A. and Europe for the manufacture of plastic products. The company entered into option contracts with ZAA Bank Ghana Ltd to hedge its six months’ currency risk or exposure. The details of the option contracts are as follows:

Details Transaction Amount Strike Price/ Exchange Rate Spot Rate on Maturity Date Option Premium Paid to the Bank
OPTION A Bought Call option to buy USD against GH¢ US$10m USD/GH¢ 4.7 USD/GH¢ 4.5
OPTION B Bought Call option to buy EURO against GH¢ EUR 8m EUR/GH¢ 5.9 EUR/GH¢ 6.3


  1. Calculate the profit or loss of OPTION A and advise Universal Plastics Ghana Ltd whether to exercise or not. (4 marks)
  2. Calculate the profit or loss of OPTION B and advise Universal Plastics Ghana Ltd whether to exercise or not. (4 marks)
  3. Calculate the overall profit or loss on the decision to hedge based on (i) and (ii) above. (2 marks)