The following details are available from the books of Sun City Social Club.

Summary of Bank Account for 31 December 2015

Additional Information:

i) Equipment is to be depreciated at 20%.
ii) One-tenth of life membership fees is to be credited to the Income and Expenditure Account each year.
iii) The bar keeper who had handled bar sales all for cash had disappeared, taking with him some monies. It was not known how much money he had stolen, but all bar sales were sold at a profit of 33 1/3 % on cost price.
iv) The cash stolen should be credited to the Bar Trading Account and debited to the Income and Expenditure Account.


a) Prepare a Bar Trading Account for the year ended 2015. (7 marks)
b) Prepare an Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 December 2015. (7 marks)
c) Prepare a Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December 2015. (6 marks)


a) Sun City Social Club
Bar Trading Account for the year ended 2015